"As Aves dos Pastores" ("Birds of the Shepherd's") - project on the breeding and dependent avifauna of the traditional pastures of Vila do Bispo, Portugal.
We will venture into some of the lesser known parts of the 95km2 of the project's study area, to look for some of the Birds of the Shepherd's and their habitats. While Red-billed Chough will be our main focus, some of the project's other birds should be seen too. At the end of the long hot summer these now arid landscapes still provide food for our resident birds, as well as the many migrants that depend on refuelling here before the sea crossing into Africa at this time of year.
Participants need to bring their cars to the starting point of the field trip. The guide suggests to gather in small groups in order to use the lowest possible number of vehicles. Bring hiking boots, water, a small snack for the morning and birdwatching equipment.