Observation of soaring birds

Observation of soaring birds

Let's take advantage of the migration of birds to try to detect some interesting species, especially birds of prey. We will also talk about the impacts of wind farms on the avifauna in the region. In this activity we will be on Cabranosa hill looking for and identifying soaring birds (and other species that appear). Guide: Alexandre Leitão

  • Schedule: Thursday 5th of October 2023 from 11:00 am until 12:30 pm
  • Theme(s): Birdwatching
  • Type(s): Field trip
  • Location: Outdoor activity
  • Nr of participants: Max. 15
  • Language: Portuguese, English
  • Target Audience: All audiences
  • Registration: Activity with on festival registration
  • Partner:
  • Meeting point:
    Cabranosa (hill)
    Lat: 37.035519 / Lon: -8.954208
